In this week’s episode of the ‘Renegade Recruiter Unleashed’ podcast, Jim Palmer talks to you about how to build your dream Recruitment or Search Business…
If you’re ready to decide that slow to no growth is no longer an acceptable option... If you want to play a bigger game and are ready to experience real growth in your business, then Jim is well worth listening too…
Here’s just a fraction of what you’re getting…
· What Jim has learnt from 15 years as a business owner and how you can use his lessons in your Recruitment or Search Business
· How Jim made the common mistake of thinking me and my eldest son are brothers
· How to use print (paper and ink) newsletters to drive profits
· Why print newsletters are better and more profitable than email newsletters (most Recruitment and Search Businesses will NEVER know this)
· How Jims business stole his life! And how he got it back
· How to create stronger bonds with your current clients so they spend more, buy more often and refer you to their network
· Jim talks about how to make your business run BETTER without you
· The secret formula to getting anything you want in life (if you’re willing to pay the price)
· How Jim manages to only work three days per week and run multiple business
· The power of leverage and how to use it to multiply the profits in your Recruitment or Search Business
· Why Jim plans to buy and live on a boat
· What you should do if something works (most Recruitment and Search Firms get this wrong)
· Why your success is more about who you are, not what you do
· Jims tips for becoming the leading Recruitment or Search Firm in your sector
· Jim reveals his million-dollar business building platform (you can use this to increase your revenue)
And a ton more!
Show Notes
For those who don’t know of you can you give us an overview of what you do and who you are please?
Tell us something about you that most people don’t know, so an interesting or funny story.
Can you tell us a bit more about your background, your business journey and how you ended up where you are now?
In your opinion what are the main benefits for any business providing a hard copy newsletter?
How did you go from newsletters to where you are today?
What do you help clients achieve?
What are some of the biggest or most common things you change in any business that’s gunna get them from A to B?
What’s been some of the biggest mistakes you’ve made in your business life and what advice would you give to anybody listening how to avoid them?
For those that don’t know what a mastermind group is how would you describe that?
Can you talk to us a bit about what you do to manage your time?
What do you do to grow your business?
What’s been the biggest breakthrough for you in your business over the last 12 months?
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given from a mentor or someone you learn from?
Who’s been the biggest influence on your business journey?
Where can people go to find out more about you and what you do.
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