
The Make More Placements Show for Recruitment & Search Business Owners | More Placements | Higher Fees | Less Work | Fewer Headaches |

The Quick, Dirty & Uncensored Secrets For Your Recruitment, Staffing & Search Business Success who want to make more placements for higher fees with less work and fewer headaches as told by Terry Edwards and Drew Edwards co-founders of
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The Make More Placements Show for Recruitment & Search Business Owners | More Placements | Higher Fees | Less Work | Fewer Headaches |











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Now displaying: 2015
Dec 13, 2015

In this weeks episode of the 'Renegade Recruiter Unleashed' Podcast, Carys Mills talks about how she quadrupled her turnover in just 12 months...

Carys has been one of my clients for about a year now, she's had previously been running her business for about 9 years. But this year, she's managed to really step things up and take her business to another level...

We hear about her ups, downs and everything she's learnt along the way...

For show notes, podcast updates and additional resources go to:

Dec 7, 2015

Surprisingly…. It’s not lack of knowledge, lack of resources or even lack of money that’s holding a lot of Recruitment and Search Firm owners back…

Sure, a lot of people do have those challenges…

But more often that not, the biggest thing holding people back is fear!

… Fear of getting it wrong!

…Fear of looking stupid in front of your friends, colleagues and family members!

And Fear of failing!

Fear can of course be useful in some situations… stops most of us doing stupid things like jumping out of a moving vehicle for a start!

But fear of failure can be the very thing that’s stops you reaching your full potential… In life and in business….

You see, the fear of failure can be so strong that it stops us even trying to achieve what we really want to achieve… And so instead, we end up doing nothing and stay as we are…

The good news is though... It’s a relatively simple problem to solve!

… All it takes is a shift in mind-set!

Failure can be VERY good for business…

Now I’m not saying failure is the goal… Of course it’s not!

Success is the goal, but in order to achieve success failure is almost inevitable…

In this weeks episode of the 'Renegade Recruiter Unleashed' podcast we interview Kelly Braendli and we talk about the importance of facing your fears head on. For show notes, podcast updates and additional resources go to:

Speak to you soon,

Until then...

Take care, take action and be relentless...

Terry Edwards


Nov 29, 2015

When working with Recruitment or Search Firm owners one on one or even when looking for people to join one of my group coaching programs one things I’m very wary of is ‘desperation’…

We all show signs of it in times of need… And although I would love to help as many people as possible… Experience tells me that when someone is desperate and on his or her last leg they’re almost impossible to help…

They just don’t seem to see things clearly…

I’ve been there myself a few times… Stuck with what seems like an almost impossible problem to overcome and you feel like you’re clinging on for dear life…

Thing is… When you’re desperate, you panic…

When you panic, you make the wrong decisions…

And when you make the wrong decisions, you miss things that would otherwise be obvious and you end up in an even deeper mess…

Put it this way…

Who do you think see’s the game more clearly, the spectator or the player that’s desperate to win?

The spectator of course…

It’s easy to spot the mistakes someone else is making or going to make from the outside looking in… But when you’re actually living the problem you can’t see the wood through the trees!

In this weeks episode of the 'Renegade Recruiter Unleashed' podcast we look at "Why Your Desperation Is Killing Your Recruitment or Search Business Profits" and what to do to about it.

For show notes, podcast updates and additional free resources go to:

Nov 22, 2015

In this week episode of the 'Renegade Recruiter Unleashed' podcast Terry Edwards interviews the Managing Director of Jim Foster Associates. We talk Recruitment, whats working, what isn't, what we would like to see more of in the industry and where the industry is heading in the near future.

Here's just some of what you're getting...

  • Find out about Jim Fosters parents impeccable timing
  • Why you have the only product in the world that people can say "No" to
  • The Recruitment fantasy and why it's nothing buy a myth
  • The importance of having a thick skin and dealing with rejection
  • Why a "Top Biller" will never join your Firm
  • Why Jim NEVER calls a potential client blind and how he trains them to EXPECT his call
  • What Jim and his consultants do INSTEAD of 'Cold Calling'
  • The importance of having a proven process in your Recruitment or Search Firm and why Jim chose to work within a franchise
  • Why your Recruitment or Search Business is like a plane preparing for take off

For show notes, podcasts updates and additional FREE resources go to:

Nov 8, 2015

As a Recruitment or Search Firm owners there are so many things to worry about.

You've got your current clients...

New clients....

Your sales... The list is endless...

But pricing and how much you charge is often way, way down that list!

Which is a shame, because getting paid more for what you do is the quickest and easiest way to increase your revenue and profits...

In this weeks episode of the 'Renegade Recruiter Unleashed' podcast Terry Edwards talks about Why You're Almost Certainly Undercharging For Your Recruitment or Search Services' and what to do about it...

For show notes, podcast updates and additional free resources visit :

Oct 10, 2015

Last week I launched the first in a series of podcasts that talk about "Why Recruitment and Search Business Owners are BAD at sales"...


It's all about how you can improve the sales in your business with less work and fewer headaches....


And I've just released the second instalment!

Oct 4, 2015

In this weeks episode of The Renegade Recruiter Unleashed Podcast, Terry Edwards talks about what stops Recruitment/Search Firm owners being good at sales…

Here’s what you’re getting…

  • How having disempowering beliefs are holding you back
  • The one thing you must do to grow your business, and it is not what you think
  • Why most Recruitment/Search firms fail and what to do about it
  • How your childhood could be having a negative impact on your success today
  • Why the conversation you have with yourself, impacts on your performance
  • How to access “Sales script” that the top firms are using to get more business
  • What the top 5% of Recruitment/search do differently that guarantees their success

This is the first in a series of Podcasts all about increasing you and your team’s sales performance.

Sep 27, 2015

In this weeks episode of the 'Renegade Recruiter Unleashed' podcast I'll be interviewing an old Friend on mine, John O'Sullivan...

Me and John actually worked for the same Recruitment company (Computer People) many years ago, when we were both very young...

He's an entrepreneur with a leadership background in staffing and recruitment. Having worked as a director for several of the top global staffing companies, he founded Best International Group which he took to £130million turnover in 18 months...

He went on to sell that company to 'Spring Group' in 2003 and is now Non Executive Director and strategic adviser to several carefully selected companies in the recruitment sector...

This an interview I recorded several years back so apologies for the poor sound quality at parts. Technology wasn't as reliable as it is today back then...

Either way, it's worth a listen.... John is a very smart guy and knows his stuff!

Sep 10, 2015

In this weeks episode of the 'Renegade Recruiter Unleashed' podcast. Craig Watson gives his views on the industry...

In Craigs words...

" I ‘fell’ into recruitment in 1994, when I was in the UK (gap year as a backpacking teacher, but that’s another story…). Years in recruitment roughly equates to equivalent dog years, so I am a veteran – whether I like it or not.  Over the journey I have recruited & managed across various sectors, and three continents – Australia, Europe and Asia.  Most of my professional networks include Recruitment Consultants, Managers and Owners, so it made perfect sense to take the leap of faith firstly into Rec2Rec – and now as a Consultant and Trainer to the industry… and I love it!"


Sep 7, 2015

In this weeks episode of the 'Renegade Recruiter Unleashed' podcast Terry Edwards interviews Paul O'Mahony on "Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn and More... What do they do and how to use them in your business"

Just in case you don't know of Paul...He is a highly sought after international speaker on the topic of digital marketing speaking and training thousands of people worldwide each year. With ten years of experience working for a US multinational corporation in Galway, Paul set up Web Wealth Solutions Ltd in Ireland and Social Media Frontiers Ltd in the UK in 2010 which are social media training academies and marketing agency.

Both companies built up a large client base of world renowned businesses such as, Costa, Premier Inn among others as well as  Hollywood & sporting celebrities, while successfully managing their social media as well as providing consulting and coaching, all producing outstanding results.

Here's what you're getting...

  • The danger of being reliant on other people for your financial future
  • The decision Paul made that meant he's able to generate income whilst being able to work from anywhere in the world
  • How Paul managed to earn money from Twitter while everyone else was wasting time
  • How NOT to use twitter in your business
  • Is Social Media a Fad? Paul gives his view
  • The most profitable Social Media platforms for your Recruitment Business
  • Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn and More... What do they do and how to use them in your business
  • The danger of letting other people manage your Social Media
  • Why being the cheapest won't work long term
  • How much time you should be spending on Social Media
  • How to use Social Media to win new clients
  • How to use Social Media to build on relationships you have with existing buyers

For show notes, podcast updates and additional FREE resources visit -

Aug 30, 2015

In this weeks episode of the 'Renegade Recruiter Unleashed' Podcast we look at the worst number in your Recruitment Business...


A while, one of my clients contacted me in some distress... 


You see… he had just lost his biggest client... And with it, a VERY large chunk of his projected profits for the year...Ouch! 


Losing a client like that can be a big hit!.. 


And one that I've seen even some of the more established Recruitment and Search Business Owners struggle to get up from. 


But as always, there is a very important lesson to learn here.... 


It's a lesson I had to re-learn for myself more than once... Quite recently in fact!


... But sometimes business life throws these things up again and again, and you have to re-learn it! 


The thing is... No matter how good you are at what you do... You will lose clients from time to time... And it's outside of your control, so there's often not much you can do about it... 


The only solution is to protect yourself so when it does happen, it's not such a big hit...     


The worst number in your business is ONE! That’s one key member of staff, one route to market, or in this case one key client… 


Any time you see the number one in your business, you are at risk! 


I would consider myself an optimistic person, but despite that, in business, you have to be wary of what might happen. There are always going to be risks in business, they’re unavoidable. But the smart Recruitment and Search Business owners protect themselves against them! 


The worst number in your business is one! Eliminate it wherever you can… 


Speak to you soon, 


Until then… Take care, take action and be relentless… 


Terry Edwards 


Aug 23, 2015

I shared this with you before not long ago...

But one of the most powerful things I ever learned came from the late, great Earl Nightingale. 

He said:

"If you’re in a situation and you don’t have any clear way forward and want for clear advice, look around and see what everyone else is doing and do the opposite"

We often paraphrase this as "the majority is always wrong"...

And I've found this to be 100% true, especially in this industry....

Think about this... If you do what the average Recruitment or Search Business Owner does....

If you market your business in the same way....

If you price your services based on the way the rest of the industry price their services...

If you're going after the same sort of clients....

If you offer your services in the same way....

You're going to end up with average results...

And the average Recruitment and Search Business owners spend the whole of their business life struggling for clients...

Is that what you want?

If not, you should check out this weeks podcast.... 

It's all about how and why you should be violating the industry norms if you want to achieve anything other than mediocre results....

For show notes, podcast updates and additional FREE Resources -

Aug 16, 2015

In this weeks episode of the Renegade Recruiter Unleashed, Terry Edwards interviews Mark Rice from Mark is the Managing Director of one of the UK leading Rec2Rec companies and together they'll be revealing "The Truth About Rec2Rec Companies "Poaching" Your Staff...

Here's what they talk about:

  • The truth about Rec2Rec companies poaching your staff
  • How Mark deals with the bad reputation of the Rec to Rec side of the industry
  • How to deal with potential clients who want to keep their recruiting in house
  • The biggest mistakes Recruitment and Search Firm owners make when trying to recruit consultants
  • Proof that you get what you pay for
  • Why "Good" and "Cheap" don't go hand in hand
  • Why you shouldn't hire purely on results and what you should do instead
  • Why you shouldn't rush the hiring decision
  • Why hiring too quickly could damage your business in the long run
  • The REAL reason your top performing consultants keep leaving and what to do about it
  • How trust makes profits
  • One reason your consultants aren't performing and what you can do to change it
  • How to spot a bad Rec2Rec company
  • The importance of finding a recruitment consultant who fits your company culture and what can happen if you don't
  • The danger of overselling your company to a potential employee
  • The reason you should be turing down good recruiters
  • How having a good support network has helped mark overcome his business challenges and how it can help you too
  • Mark talks about how sometimes your competitors can be your friends
  • Why a Rec to Rec can NEVER poach your staff IF you're doing things right

For show notes, podcast updates and additional resources visit -




Aug 11, 2015

In this weeks episode of the Renegade Recruiter Unleashed, Terry Edwards interviews Simon Swan from

  • How hiring hub is changing the way employers interact with Recruiters
  • How simon is taking vacancies from the larger agencies and giving them to the smaller specialist firms
  • How attitudes towards Recruiters are changing by the day
  • How to find a database of employees looking for Recruiters to fill their vacancies
  • How becoming an expert in your field is a must if you want to thrive in this industry 
  • What employers are looking for when engaging a recruitment firm to fill their vacancies
  • What a good recruitment firm looks like and how to make sure you fit the image
  • Proof that not everyone relentlessly seeks out the cheapest price when hiring a recruiter
  • Yet ANOTHER reason why you should be willing to say "no" to business
  • The real reason your prices are getting driven down and what to do about it
  • Why simon is happy more of his competitors are entering the market and why you should be too
  • One reason the barrier to entry in the Recruitment industry is getting lower by the day
  • Could this be the death of the bigger recruitment agencies?
  • The importance of standing out in the market place
  • The reason you must have a good online presence and the cost if you fail to act 
  • The one book Simon recommends if you want to create a demand for your Recruitment service
  • How Simon attracts leads from his website and how you can do the same

For show notes, additional FREE resources and podcast updates go to -

Aug 2, 2015

In this weeks episode of The Renegade Recruiter Unleashed Podcast Terry Edwards interviews Wendy McDougall the CEO of Firefish Software.

Here's what you're getting: 

  • Discover how to get the best candidates without pestering them
  • How to use your website as a candidate and client magnet
  • The secret to having the competitive edge
  • Why you should never ever set a marketing budget, so simple yet so true
  • The one thing that candidates HATE about recruiters and what to do about it
  • How Wendy's Dyslexia  nearly got her intimate with her clients, this is funny
  • What you must do to grow your business

For show notes, podcast updates and FREE additional resources visit

Jul 26, 2015

In this weeks episode of The Renegade Recruiter Unleashed Podcast, Terry Edwards interview Greg Savage. They'll be revealing the Savage Truth About The Recruitment Industy...

Here's what you're getting

  • Why the term ‘legendary ‘ caused much hilarity in the Greg Savage Household
  • How Greg went from zero to 100m in recruitment
  • Greg shares what the true cost of underperforming consultants in your business, this is quite shocking
  • How this young looking and slim (Greg words) uses social media, a must do for the recruitment industry
  • Where many recruitment business owners are letting themselves down
  • Why continuous learning is essential for recruitment business success
  • Greg admits that although not the best Rugby player, he nearly played against the legendary ‘All Blacks’
  • How settling for mediocrity is costing recruiters millions in lost revenue 
  • The biggest challenge facing recruiters in the new economy and what to do about it
  • Why client and candidate expectations have changed, and what that means to you 
  • What recruiters should be focusing on and it is not what you think
  • Why ‘Job Boards’ and LinkedIn are old school and what you should be doing
  • The best book Greg has read on recruitment, and it is not the classic “7 deadly threats to your recruitment/search business” 

And more...

Jul 18, 2015

In this weeks episode of The Renegade Recruiter Unleashed podcast, Terry Edwards interview Louise Triance from about what really happens when you get 50+ Recruitment, Staffing and Search Business owners in one room...

Here's what you're getting - 

* Find out how the recession impacted the Recruitment Firm Louise worked with and what you can learn from it

* We find out more about the events UK Recruiter puts on for the industry and why if you go you should leave your BS at the door

* The power of 'Mastermind Groups' and how they can boost your business profits

* What Louise thinks about "Coldcalling" ( HINT: She agrees with me)

* We talk about Rec2Rec agencies poaching your staff (You're not the only one who has this problem)

* How "Blogging" can have an impact on your business

* The truth revealed about what really goes on when you get a 50+ Recruitment, Staffing and Search Business owners in one room - This might shock you

* The one thing Louise wants to change about the industry

* The importance of showing your venerability and how it helps your potential clients want to part with their money

* The importance of actually picking up the phone (We're not talking about coldcalling here)

* What happens when you feed Recruitment Business owners with alcohol 

* We look at why running a business on your own can sometimes feel lonely and why networking with other Recruitment Business owners can help

* The one piece of advice Louise would give to a Recruitment Business owners

* How the internet has effected the Recruitment Industry

* We talk about type writers (remember those)

* Why children that work with their parents are more intelligent

* Louise's weird association with Florence Nightingale and the "backstroke"  

* The glamorous life of a hand model (don't ask)

And more

For show notes and additional resources got to

Jul 5, 2015

If you have a website and it’s NOT generating you any leads, then you’re probably doing something wrong...

Your website should be a marketing tool... And a marketing tool should be designed to get you leads, get clients to contact you and add profits to your business...

But the truth is, your web designer probably doesn’t know this... And so when they designed your website, lead generation and adding profits to your business were the last thing on their mind...

In this episode of the Renegade Recruiter Unleashed podcast Terry Edwards will be looking at why your web designer is ripping you off and what to do about it

Jun 27, 2015

In this weeks episode of The Renegade Recruiter Unleashed Terry Edwards interviews Roy Ripper about what really works in Recruitment.

If you haven't heard of Roy,  he's helped over 42,500 recruiters from more than 35 countries transform their careers and businesses through his books, audio programmes, DVDs, online training products, live events and personal coaching. Very smart guy indeed!

Here's what you're getting:

* Hear about Roy's meeting with the Queen of England and how it got him in trouble with his Mum

* The social media tool that Roy recommends all recruiters should be using for an easier life

* How having an 'industry ego' is killing Recruitment, Staffing and Search Businesses like yours by the day, and what to do to make sure you don't fall into the same trap

* What to do with those under performing consultants and toxic team members

* The 5 P's you need to look out for in your Recruitment, Staffing or Search Business and how they can add revenue and profits

* Find out the secret for going from low end recruitment to high end and retained executive search

* The biggest challenges facing your business today and how to avoid them

* The difference between US and UK recruiters and where that leaves you

For show notes, future episode updates and addition free resources visit  -

Jun 20, 2015

In this weeks episode of The Renegade Recruiter Unleashed, Terry Edwards talks about why bending over backwards to please your clients could be costing your Recruitment, Staffing or Search Business thousands in lost revenue...

Here's what you're getting...

* Why being "too nice" to your clients will lead them to taking advantage of you

* Find out the number one reason for clients treating you like dirt and what to do about it

* How to get your clients to respect what you do

* Discover why your clients miss appointments and won't return your calls and what to do about it

* How to position your services as being more important than the clients money

* The importance of putting clients in their place

* Why not all business is good business

And more...

For show notes, podcast updates and additional resources click the link below -

Jun 9, 2015

In this weeks episode of the 'Renegade Recruiter Unleashed'  Terry Edwards talks about "How To Spot A Recruitment Whore"... It's in your face, to the point and probably offensive but you shouldn't expect anything less from the 'Renegade Recruiter'.


Here's what you're getting...

  • Traits of a Recruitment whore and how you know if you are one
  • The importance of being "picky" about who you jump into bed with
  • Why if you're saying "Yes" to every potential client you're doing something wrong
  • How having no standards can be off putting for your ideal clients
  • The "Your Business. Your Rules" mantra 
  • How to come up with a set of rules your client MUST meet before they work with you
  • Why it's good to turn business away
  • Why you CAN afford to walk away from business
  • How being a recruitment whore is bad for business


Jun 7, 2015

In this weeks episode of the 'Renegade Recruiter Unleashed' Terry Edwards talks about the ONLY three things you should be focussing on if you want to double your business revenue.


Here's what you're getting -

  • Discover the only three ways to double your business revenue
  • Find out why most Recruitment/Staffing and Search Firm owners see doubling their business revenue as almost impossible
  • How marginal increases in each of the three areas can have explosive results 
  • Why "getting more clients" isn't the only answer
  • Why getting paid more for your services is so important
  • How to increase your business revenue by 30% in three easy steps
  • Find out why your prices are stopping you from seeing any substantial growth in business profits
  • Discover the "double your business revenue" formula
  • Find out why the life time value of each client is vital to your future business success

And more...


To listen to this episode go to  -




May 30, 2015

In this weeks episode of The Renegade Recruiter, Terry Edwards gives an outrageously bias book renew of the new book "The Persuasion, Influencing and Sales Recipe For Recruitment and Search Firm Owners".

Here's What you're getting

  • Why you're probably not REALLY selling recruitment
  • What most recruiters do when it comes to sales... And why it's so wrong
  • The difference between interruption marketing and permission marketing and why not knowing could be damaging your potential sales
  • The type of buyer you should avoid at all costs
  • How to stand out in a crowded market
  • The one thing standing between you and making the sale and how to make sure it never does again
  • How your favourite film can help boost your sales
  • The difference between having a Recruitment/Search Business and a job
  • And much more...

To listen to this episode go to -

Speak to you soon,

Until then...

Take care, take action and be relentlesss...

Terry 'Renegade Recruiter' Edwards

May 19, 2015

Gavin Ingham explains how Recruitment consultants can turn self-doubt, fear and lack of motivation into self-belief confidence and action. 

Here's what you'll be getting


  • How to eradicate any self-doubt you or your team of consultants have about selling
  • How to eliminate fear and approach every sales meeting with the confidence you'll  win the business
  • Are good sales people born or made? Gavin gives his opinion
  • What it really means when a potential client asks you to "send more information and call back another time"
  • How to explode your sales performance 
  • How to dissolve the fear of rejection
  • What your competitors are doing to increase their sales that you're not
  • The importance of having the right attitude to make the sales
  • The one thing that makes you a "motivated idiot" when it comes to selling your Recruitment or Search services 
  • The importance of answering objections 


To download the episode and subscribe to the podcast click below