
The Make More Placements Show for Recruitment & Search Business Owners | More Placements | Higher Fees | Less Work | Fewer Headaches |

The Quick, Dirty & Uncensored Secrets For Your Recruitment, Staffing & Search Business Success who want to make more placements for higher fees with less work and fewer headaches as told by Terry Edwards and Drew Edwards co-founders of
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The Make More Placements Show for Recruitment & Search Business Owners | More Placements | Higher Fees | Less Work | Fewer Headaches |











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Now displaying: 2018
Sep 11, 2018

Here are two uncomfortable truths you might not like…

Firstly, if you want a Recruitment or Search Business that stands out in your market instead of blending in, you want to attract the best clients and charge the fee’s that your service actually deserves… If you want your ideal clients to seek you out above all other options.

You have to do things differently to what everyone else in your market is doing…. It’s the only thing that makes logical sense…

This makes most Recruitment and Search Business owners extremely uncomfortable, but you can’t want to be “different” but then act the same…

The second truth is, the very moment you decide to do that,

In fact, the very moment you share the thought of deciding with someone…

You’re going to be criticised… It just comes with the territory.

It could be from peers, friends, sometimes even employees, almost always competitors, occasionally family members too…

Again, this makes most Recruitment and Search Business owners extremely uncomfortable…

But it’s important to remember that every critic has his or her own agenda, whether conscious or subconscious… It’s never about you, it's always about them and how you changing makes them feel…

So you can either care more about their feelings and do nothing, or you care more about your own results and step up to the plate…

There’s no right or wrong, just know there’s no point in you clicking the link below and if care more about being liked than you do about actually seeing significant results in your Recruitment or Search Business…

Sep 5, 2018

In this weeks episode of ‘The Renegade Recruiter Unleashed’ we talk with a client of ours called Julie Ramsey.

Julie has made an additional £120,000 in her business in 10 months since we’ve been working together. So we thought we’d bring her on to share with you all how she made this happen.

Julie also talks about overcoming her biggest business challenges back in 2008 and her general business journey. Have a listen, we hope you enjoy it.

To claim the Free blueprint that reveals the exact game plan you need to quickly scale your Recruitment or Search Business, generate more profits and attract more high-quality clients click the link below -

Claim here

Aug 25, 2018

In today’s episode of ‘The Renegade Recruiter Unleashed’ we’ll be talking to Wayne Turmel, author of ‘The Long Distance Leader.’

Wayne talks with us about how he decided to build a remote team in his business, what the benefits are of doing this and how to create it in your business.

He’ll share how you can go out and get the best people in the world to work in your business and eliminate the overheads of a large office space.

And finally, Wayne tells us how he built a profitable team and how he overcame the inevitable hurdles along the way.


Jul 22, 2018

Knowing the numbers in your Recruitment or Search Business is VITAL! Not knowing them, or getting them wrong can cripple the future success of your Recruitment or Search Business...

Jun 29, 2018

Client interview with Gary Cook and Anthony Hearn, Managing Directors of Insite Public Practice Recruitment talk about how they went from 100% contingency based recruitment to winning their first retainer in just two weeks and their experience during the "Renegade Recruiter 90-Day Profit Accelerator" program. 

May 31, 2018

In today’s episode of ‘The Renegade Recruiter unleashed’ we’ll be talking to a client of ours called Mike Meyrick. Mike’s been in recruitment 21 years now, he’s gained some great experiences and some not so great ones of the industry which he’ll be sharing with us. 

In this episode, we talk about…

  • Why regular contact with potential clients is the way to get more clients and how Mike found this out the hard way.
  • Find out how to come across as a welcome guest to potential clients instead of an unwanted pest.
  • Advice Mike would have given himself when he first started his business and the things he wishes he did sooner.
  • Find out what Mike was most uncomfortable doing in his business when he started working with us, and how once he pushed through that feeling he made over £50,000 in is business through just ONE route to market.
  • Mike shares why he was sceptical to work with us at first and how now he kicks himself for not starting sooner.
  • The important lessons Mike learnt after one of his businesses failed in the first year and how why he’s now doing better than ever before.
  • Mike talks about the "Parthenon" and how it's completely changed the way he runs his business.
May 25, 2018

Occasionally I’ll speak to Recruitment and Search Firm Owners who’ll say thing like…

“I have too many clients; I don’t need any more” OR “I have no problem finding clients, it’s candidates I need.”

I used to be impressed by this…

But I’ve come to realise that 9 times out of 10 when a Recruitment or Search Business Owners (or consultant) says this, what they really mean is, they’re working on lots of contingency job orders…

This will annoy a lot of people… But let’s not kid ourselves…

Winning a contingency assignment is not the same as winning a sale…

Unless it’s exclusive, “clients” you work with on contingency are not really your clients…

In the same way, a guy or girl dating multiple people including you isn’t really your boyfriend/girlfriend…

And even if it is exclusive… There’s no guarantee you’re ever going to get paid…

The only thing you’re guaranteed is more work…

You don’t have “too many clients” you’re just doing too much work…

And unless your fill rate is 100%, often you’re not even being paid for it….

Making a sale involves an exchange….

Usually a service or product in exchange for money…

That’s why the most profitable and cash-rich Recruitment and Search Business Owners work on retainers…

They get paid upfront for any work they do…

And if you want more revenue and profits in your Recruitment or Search business AND for less work. You should be too…

Anyone can win a job order; there’s little skill involved…. That’s why Recruitment and Search Business Owners happy to work on contingency assignments are faced with the most competition…

Are stuck working with “clients” who don’t value their services…

Are forced to lower their fees…

Find themselves overworked and underpaid…

Always worry about cash flow…

Don’t know where their next sale is coming from…

Have a team of consultants who underperform and aren’t as profitable as they should be…

And wonder why they’re not making the revenue they want… Even though they have “too many clients”…

The solution is to work with clients who value your services, are willing to pay your fees upfront, are willing to work with you and only you because they believe you’re the best, are happy to have you guide them through the process rather than boss you around telling you how to do your job…

And if you want more clients like that, click the link below book a call and see how I can help…

May 1, 2018

I was read online recently that only 29.44% of people who attempted to climb Mount Everest between 1922 and 2006 actually made it to the top…

Most failed!

Some even died….

Which might not surprise you, I mean… It is the tallest mountain in the world, so I bet getting to the top is actually quite hard…

But here's something that you may not have considered…

In today's business world, 80 businesses out of 100 go out of business in the first five years (and then in the five years after that, of the 20 survivors you'll have just four left... )

And then five years after that, you're down to just one….

In other words, there's a 99% chance of you going out of business in the first 15 years of operation….

That means only 1% actually get past the 15-year mark… and even then….

Survival doesn't necessarily mean profitable, does it?

So it's statistically easier to climb Mount Everest than it is to run and build a highly profitable business that runs for more than 5 years…

You might be thinking… OK, but what does this have to do with my Recruitment or Search Business specifically…

Well… Most people would never consider climbing Mount Everest alone…

You'd get help, a Sherpa, a guide, someone who knows the fastest route, someone to keep you safe, someone to stop you from freezing to death…

Even if you're an incredibly experienced climber, you're probably going to want to take along a buddy of some sort with you…

Not doing so would significantly increase your chances of failure… And even death!

Or at the very least it would simply take you a lot longer to reach your destination…

Makes sense right?

But here's the thing….

Even though running a highly profitable Recruitment or Search Business is HARDER than climbing Mount Everest (the numbers prove it), most people STILL attempt to do it without the right help and support…

And then they wonder why they can't attract enough of the right clients, struggle to command the fees they want and deserve and fail to take their business to the level they want it to be…

I've seen some of the most skilled recruiters struggle in business for years all because they didn't get help, or didn't get the right help…

On a more personal level, my first Search Business failed, had a negative impact on my marriage and a negative impact on my first son all BECAUSE I didn't seek out the right help…

And the little "help" that I did get was from the wrong people…

I don't want you to make the same mistake…

It doesn't have to be me but get some help and support in the areas your weakest in…

And if you want help with your marketing and sales, so you and all your team members can consistently attract and speak to between 15-25 decision makers every single month (who actually want to buy your services) without cold calling, click the link below and let's talk…

May 1, 2018

In this episode, we’ll be discussing the things that our most successful clients know and specific traits they all have. It’s not by luck that some business owners fail, some do OK and some have huge success, it’s down to the decisions you make that determine whether you can take your business to the next level.

In this episode, we’ll be talking about…

  • Why you should always be open to learning, despite how long you’ve been in business and how if you choose to be closed minded you are affecting the future success of your business.
  • How to make better, more informed decisions in your business so you can take it to the next level.
  • Small but effective changes you can make to your business that will have a massive impact.
  • Why knowledge is so powerful and why it’s the only way to make better decisions in your business.
  • Who find more pearls... A Bus driver or a peal diver? Drew reveals the truth
Apr 19, 2018

In this episode of the 'Renegade Recruiter Unleashed podcast,' we’ll be talking about "Stupid Vanity Metrics that hold Recruitment and Search Firm Owners back".

Something you'll hear me say regularly is this;

"What can’t be measured can’t be managed AND whatever you measure improves"...

That being said... Making sure you measure the right things is critical to the future success of your business...

In this episode, we'll be revealing three areas Recruitment and Search Firm Owners make the mistake of measuring and what you should be looking at instead...

Mar 29, 2018

In today’s episode of ‘The Renegade Recruiter Unleashed,’ I interview Alan Derry about how he went from rebel punk rocker (Yes, you read that right!) to running and owning a multimillion pound Recruitment Business...

Here's what you'll find out in this interview...

  • Alan reveals the story behind how his business almost went bust and how he lost everything but managed to turn it all around and start over (failure is part of growing a successful business, we can all learn from this)
  • Why the bank told Alan to close his business down, why he ignored them and the results he got
  • Alan tells the story of how he went from a struggling business with just 5 contractors out to building a business that now has 320 contractors and does £150K per month in perm alone
  • Alan shares why he is very strict with who he works with and how he makes sure his clients play to his rules
  • Find out what made Alan realise he could be in control of his own destiny and how he acted upon this way of thinking
  • Why Alan thinks coaches or mentors are key to help you succeed in business and why he urges all Recruitment business owners to get one
Mar 16, 2018

In today’s episode of ‘The Renegade Recruiter Unleashed,’ I interview Andy Whitehead from Recruitment Marketing International and the host of "The Laptop Recruiter" podcast.

Andy’s been working with agency recruiters for just under a decade now helping them to grow and scale their business with automated systems.

Here's just some of what you're getting...

  • How Andy helped one business owner in his inner circle go from 300,000 to 1 million in 18 months.
  • Why he believes you need to be innovative to get big results in business
    The two types of people Andy sees in recruitment and why only one of them make it big
  • What Andy’s personal belief models are in business and why they inspire him.
  • The big shift in the industry and how small Recruitment or Search business owners can stay on top when this happens.
  • What Andy thinks about attitude and the common traits he’s seen in business owners who make big figures
Feb 28, 2018

In today’s episode of ‘The Renegade Recruiter Unleashed,’ I interview David Patterson.

David is based over in Florida, and he began working in recruitment 20 years ago.

He worked his way up through the ranks then decided to go independent. Now David is an internationally recognised headhunter generating millions of dollars in fees.

Today’s episode is a really inspirational one.

Listen and find out…

  • How David got through the toughest of times in his personal and business life and how he turned it all around
  • Discover why he ditched the ‘traditional model’ recruiters usually follow, got rid of his 4,000 square foot office and how it’s given him total freedom
  • Why David rarely ever needs to do any cold calling and how he generates a wealth of leads through Facebook (If you're one of those Recruiters who still thinks cold calling is the ONLY way to get business)
  • Discover why David (literally) swears by being passionately yourself in business and dropping the corporate B.S.
  • Find out how his company bounced back after the recession in 2009 and why you should never be afraid to start over
Feb 20, 2018

Something that most Recruitment and Search Business Owners aren't aware of… Or are aware of but don't like to admit publicly…

Is that even though we can get great results for our clients, we can sometimes be really bad at employing the right people for our own business…

Almost every week I speak to Recruitment and Search Business Owners who have employed a consultant who promised the world but didn't deliver and actually ended up costing the business money…

Based on the numbers given to me by the people I've spoken to… On average every Recruitment or Search Business has a third or more of the team that's underperforming and haemorrhaging profits for the owner…

Another third doing 'OK' and just about breaking even….

And only the final third actually delivering on a consistent basis and making PROFIT…

So in a team of three fee earners, only ONE is likely to be delivering on a consistent and regular basis…. (that "one" is most likely going to be the owner of the business) …

And even a team of 10 fee earners will only have 3 who are actually profitable …

These numbers, of course, vary massively from business to business… But based on the Recruitment and Search Business Owners I've asked, this is about average…

And it's big problem… And one that needs fixing IF you have dreams or ambitions of building a profitable team…

In my opinion… This problem doesn't happen because the owner is bad a recruiting for his or her own team…. It happens because they bring people in too early...

There are a few vital things you need to have in place BEFORE you even think about hiring your next consultant.

And not having these things in place increases the chances of any new consultants underperforming and costing the business money… I explain what these things are this podcast

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